
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DRESS: Newman Hall @ Etsy PIN: c/o The Albino Hare BOW: c/o Crown and Glory
SOCKS: Forever 21 SHOES: c/o B.A.I.T. Footwear PURSE: A gift from Marlena

Do you ever want to cry because something is so perfect and adorable that it seems like it was made just for you in mind? That's how I felt when doing a random etsy search I discovered this Meowmaid pin from artist Lee Anna, the lovely lady in charge of The Albino Hare!

This little guy swam his way to me in a beautiful parcel with another pin and adorable stationary, and is now one of my dearest treasures - thanks to Lee Anna's incredible talent and generosity! Over the course of the past few months I have also discovered she is an absolutely lovely person, and I feel very thankful to have "met" her! ♡ (Oh and by the way, there are only two meowmaids in her shop, one green and one pink, so you'd better take a look before they are gone...!)

These pictures were taken at a park I stumbled upon yesterday! Couldn't believe all the gorgeous flowers - spring is definitely in bloom! I was sad to see some children trying to poke and pick up the geese and ducks trying to go about their business near the water however...! >.>

And speaking of animals, I am officially the new foster parent for four 3 month old kittens! They are positively precious, but are still rather afraid of me, which breaks my heart a little bit (I'm one of those people who wants all cats and dogs to immediately love me); but I'm determined to help them learn to love humans so they can get adopted! ;3

If you have any advice for helping shy kitties, I'd love to hear them!

Lots of love and remember - you are important! ♡


  1. haha i definitely know that feeling when i manage to find really beautiful vintage dresses in just my size! your pin is so perfect and adorable!

    also one of my best friends used to foster kittens and they were SO sweet. it took a while for some of them to come around and get used to people but they always did in the end and i'm sure your little shy one will too. :)

    little henry lee

  2. This is most magical dress, pin, shoes, socks and hair combo on anyone EVER. You are so ridiculously beautiful and I do get very very excited when I have a new post of yours to read. So yay, thank you!! And awwww, those kitties will love you soon enough - it doesn't take long :) xxx

  3. that dress <3 aw I love it and I love youuuu xxx

  4. The pin is so darling ♥ Good luck with the kittens!

  5. I'm so happy you posted :) I loove the pin, absolutely adoable! You dress is perfect with it. Brilliant outfit overall!

  6. ohmy kailey, you have me swooning over your whole outfit! those shoes are a must! so so so pretty x

  7. Love this - so cute!

    Now following you on GFC and would be great to get a follow back, if you would like to follow each other? :)

    Be great if you could check out my latest post ft the Gorgeous Couture Katia Dress

    Thanks! Charlie xx

    UK Fashion & Style Blog | Lurch Hound Loves

  8. oh Kailey, Kailey, every time I visit your blog I wonder: where are you from?! Do we live on same planet ? :) You always look so beautiful and just like from fairy tale :)
    That kitty-mermaid brooch is wonderful & so sweet. I exactly know that feelind you wrote about :)
    I crave your shoes! So, so amazing <3.
    You know, if it goes about those kittens I think you should go & visit them often. I mean even if they don't come to you. Just be with them :) They are a bit afraid now cus they don't know you. Let them know you better and get used with your smell :). E.g there is small kitty around my block of flats who is so poor. He is without one eye and some rude people cut his tail. I take care of him for four yers. It took some time till he got used to me. I give him food twice a day but he is still too afraid to touch him.

  9. you look super lovely! that dress is gorgeous *o*

    if you just spend a lot of time with the kitties & try to cuddle a lot & give them yummies I think they will soon be very happy & less shy :)

  10. you look extremely beautiful! like a princess~~~~

  11. such a cute broach :D gorgeous photographs :D xx

  12. I love this outfit!! The dress is so darling + that brooch is so adorable!!!! xo

  13. You gorgeous creature! That dress is amazing on you, and the meowmaid pin is SO cute!! I'm so glad you're fostering little kitties! I don't have much advice for shy kittens (other than some sometimes respond better to faces than to hands), as mine is pretty outgoing, hehe.

    xoxox Sammi

  14. What a lovely outfit. The Meowmaid pin is just amazing :3

  15. Oh my god I remember the first time I saw that pin on tumblr I wanted to scream it's so precious

    also, when my cat as new and little I offered him milk and other yummy stuff on my fingers so he would get used to touching me and stuff :)

  16. Meowmaid!! this badge is ADORABLE!! properly in love with it...might seriously have to take a look, anything to do with mermaids and i'm there.

    That dress too is sooooo pretty! Three kittens! congratulations to you mama cat! what have you named them?

    xx Rebecca

  17. This is so perfect! Everything is so you, I also love the way your hair and the dress are matching. So perfect for spring! And good luck with your baby kitties, I know you'll find them all wonderful homes!
    xo, Tori

  18. I cannot even express how much I adore this outfit!! I just love pastel colours on you so much.


  19. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE . . . THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *____*


  20. what a beautiful park!
    such lovely colors :)
    & have fun with your foster kittens!!

  21. Aw, I hope your kitties warm up to you! My advice? just don't give up! Eventually they'll warm up to you and learn to trust you. They're still young, so there's hope for them yet. btw, your hair is awesome and it makes me want to do something crazy with mine!

  22. What a cute fracking pin....omg....i love the combo of the peachy dress and the blue shoes :> :> :> adorbs as always :* -<3 mozelle

  23. Meowmaid really is adorable!


  24. Beyond adorable! Prom queen meets Princess Kawaii :) x

  25. now i want to BE a meowmaid! >v_v<

  26. Ohh, poor kittens! I'm sure they'll warm up to you quickly! And that pin is SO cute; it's perfect for you! <3

  27. omg omg omg this outfit and pin.
    Also, I know what you mean about animals loving you, I like to think I'm snow white and that they'll all just follow me around lovingly! And I get super jealous if my cat shows attention to anyone else haha.


  28. You look really cute in that dress!

  29. "Wanting to cry because something is so perfect and adorable" is how I feel about your DRESS!! It's amazing! You look like the month of May personified, so blossom-y and perfectly pink!

    Good luck befriending the shy kittens!! I'm sure they'll come to trust you with time :)

  30. JAW = DROPPED.

    Whenever your posts pop up on my feed it brightens my day <33

  31. That pin really is perfect for you! I think you should do a post with all your favorite etsy shops sometime ;)

  32. Perfect princess xoxox
    (I still have to send out your stuff. I'm such a nudge xo)

  33. This looks gorgeous on you! You look like a fairy! I love your pale skin too! Yay for us ghosties!

  34. You seriously have the best dress collection!

    The brooch reminds me of Bei Badgirl, love it!


  35. thanks so much for stopping by my blog darling. love yours as well. you have a great sense of style. this dress is incredible.

    xx rae

  36. Gorgeous outfit!!! Love the pin. :D

    With young kitties, and well, all animals - they do take a while. But that's a good thing! Just sit down on their level and let them come to you, let them sniff you and rub against you and you'll surely gain their trust! :)

  37. you look like a fairy there! all the pastel colours and your fair skin makes everything really magical - awesome hair colour!
    would you like to follow each other on bloglovin'?

  38. This is such a wonderful outfit! The dress is just to die for, and the pin and shoes are adorable!
    I really do love your hair. So I must ask, how do you get it that lovely pink color, and how do you have it cut?
    Thank you so much, I adore your blog!

  39. I always get to commenting so late in the game, I wonder if you even see comment #900 ;) So cute as usual, and kitty mermaid?! Genius!

    1. Baww Shell! I read and appreciate every single comment! ;3 Thank you so much! ♡

  40. oh gosh, this dress! you have the most lovely light pink hair ever!

    lindsey louise

  41. The Meowmaid is the most perfect thing for you Kailey! I love it! That's so awesome that you're fostering kittens! My mam's friend rescued a kitten from the side of the road a few years ago (she had see then kitten being thrown form a loving car) and since she was moving abroad soon she asked my mam would she take it. We called her kitser and she's the most gorgeous cat but I think that incident really traumatised her and she's not really the most friendly cat, so I don't know what kind of advice to give you except just pet them as much as you can to get them used to human contact.

    Emma x

  42. You look very monochromatic with porcelain skin and your hair and dress-it's lovely and ethereal! Love the bits of green too!

  43. EEEE EEEE EEEE! You look so amazing! That pin is SO PERF and totally reminds me of you!!! Plus your hair game is so TIGHT and makes you look like QUEEN FAIRY PRINCESS extreme! <3

  44. That pin is soooo super duper cute! It makes me wish I could get Lily to wear a little mermaid tail for my amusement, haha.

  45. You have such a big heart for taking care of the kittens! It makes me admire you even more than I already do ^.^

    The meowmaid was made for you! (Try saying that 5 times fast..)
    I love its sweet little sparkly tail..

    I am so happy Spring is finally blossoming all around us! I live for smelling flowers:)

  46. I'm in love with this outfit! The colour of the dress is perfect, and so's your hair <3 Really great post & you're one of my favourite bloggers x

    Isabel Rose

  47. that dress is too gorgeous! I love the neckline, so pretty.

    the Albino hare is the coolest! I found her recently on instagram. *mermeow* :)

  48. You are a lovely, unique gal miss Kailey! The brooch adds the perfect touch to the super cute dress :D Very you indeed.

    <3 Megan

  49. So pretty, as usual! I don't think I'll ever get over these B.A.I.T. shoes, they're darling. And holy wow, that pin is perfect for you!

  50. i've been perusing your blog and admiring your charming personal style. you really are lovely, missy.

  51. Your meowmaid pin is pretty much the best pin in existence! It's adorable and also hilarious. I love it! Your dress is also incredible. I love all the ruffled detailing on it.

  52. First of all, you outfit is adorable and the kitty mermaid pin is perhaps the best thing ever! I need one!
    That's so cool that you are fostering kitties! I was a kitty foster parent for about 7 years and have had my share of really shy kitties and its so hard! I think the key is just to spend as much time with them as possible, just sitting close and being pretty still and talking softly. I once was fostering an adult cat who had been really abused and would hide under a dresser if anyone was in the room, and he was sadly going to be put to sleep because he couldn't eb adopted. After about a month of sitting with him whenever I could with my hand out, he slowly came around and then became THE SWEETEST orange fluff ball on the planet and got adopted!!! I am sur you are going to be an amazing kitty momma!
    xo Hannah


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Portrait in Header Illustration by Sibylline Meynet designed by Designs Blue Moon