Primp & Pamper

Monday, February 17, 2014

With stressful lives and the gloomy weather, feeling blue in the last legs of winter is almost inevitable. In times like these, I think we all deserve an hour or so just to ourselves for self care in the form of relaxing and pampering. Since I've been feeling a little glum myself, I thought I'd outline some of my favorite ways to "treat yo self"!

Put On Your Favorite Lipstick
Is it just me, or does putting on lipstick put anybody else in a good mood? I have found that devoting a couple minutes to experimenting with your makeup makeup collection has always been a bit therapeutic! After wanting and saving for months, I finally splurged on a Tom Ford lipstick (in Paradiso) and it is heaven. Another favorite? Too Faced's Juicy Melons.

Eat Your Favorite Candy
(Because candy is dandy)

Read a Magazine
While waiting for a face mask or your nails to dry, why not pour over one of your favorite magazines? I am currently smitten with Betty Magazine (look out for a post on this gorgeous magazine soon)!

Use a Face Mask
With a host of affordable to luxury face masks that deep clean, tighten pores or exfoliate on the market, your face deserves a bit of pampering - just don't forget the cucumber slices! n_~ (Here I used a purifying papaya mud mask)

Wear Perfume
I'm kind of guilty of using my perfume only for very, very special occasions - it's just so pretty and expensive I don't ever want to use it all up ;A; I do think, however, spritzing yourself with a lavish scent can be just the right way to perk up your mood! I love Marc Jacob's Daisy (I've had it for years and it still smells perfect!) and Nicki Minaj's fragrance.

Paint Your Nails
Filing and painting one's nails is something I haven't gotten the hang of yet (seriously, how do you people get your nails into specific shapes?!), but now that my nails have grown out (I bite them when I'm nervous!) I've been painting them left and right! Here I'm wearing Wet n Wild's Tickled Pink.

How do you pamper yourself? ♡


  1. Oh this post has really filled my day with smiles. (it's horrible outside right now in England) I simply love all of this!! really cute post sweetie!!! keep being fabulous xxxxxx

  2. I love this post! I always forget to do nice things for myself and I feel like us ladies might all be falling into that pattern so I love that you did this post because we should all being doing nice things for ourselves! When we look good, we feel good! xo

  3. how are you so cute? even in a face mask? haha.
    but yesss. pampering is important!

  4. I love this whole photo set so much! I'm totally sold on that Tom Ford lipstick. It's perfect. The shade suits you so well~

  5. I couldn't possibly love this more! I definitely see one of these days coming up in my immediate future!


  6. You are a doll!
    Can't beat a pamper day x

  7. always here for a pamper day :) you are so lovely!

  8. Love the photos for this post!

  9. Love this <3 we both had similar ideas today haha

  10. lovely post! these photographs are so cute :D
    Pamper days are the best!

  11. One of my favorite ways to relax is to do my hair while listening to music and play with new makeup. Still searching for the ever elusive perfect shade of lipstick...

  12. I pamper myself by taking a long bath, and if I'm feeling up to it, painting my nails afterward.
    If I'm having a crummy day, I'll slap on some lipstick, and put a cute bow in my hair.

  13. It's things like these that can really help recharge yourself! Love that lipstick :)

  14. I always try to get some time for myself, pamper is essential. Specially after a hard day full of stress, to just lay on the bath, light up some candles and relax, is really helpful.
    Have an amazing day!

  15. That's a great lip colour!

  16. Love this post. Glad I'm back into the blogosphere to keep up to date :)

  17. I love these pictures, you look so cute! One of my favourite ways to treat myself is doing my nails. I love to do nail art :)

  18. yes, lipstick makes life way better, not only sad winter days :D

  19. Loving these photos! Great tips, I def. need some self-care encouragement <3

  20. experimenting with lipstick is super fun for me!! I get tired of wearing makeup everyday, but since I don't wear lipstick often it is really fun and makes me feel glamorous. :3

    I really want to check out Betty magazine!! I don't know where to find the newest issue, though.

  21. omg you look flawless even when you're wearing a mask ;___; this is such a cute post! <3

  22. such a cute post!!!! aaaah also if i ever do end up sending you a package (i think i find another dress you might like-ish) i'm giving you some of that perfume i mentioned that smells like candy (it's from a beauty store & it's actually really cheap because you can buy tiny bottles for it for only €3,5), also thinking which belgian candy you might like because i usually don't eat candy and also 90% of things here i chocolate covered.

    also this is totes how i relax too <3


  23. uhm and also i agree with marlena?? hello when i wear a mask i look like a demon from early 90s buffy

  24. I love this post so much!! Thank you for writing it, I could definitely do with a little cheering up! xoxo

  25. I will never understand what, in the act of painting my nails, makes me feel absolutely amazing.

  26. Love love this post, it's so true. Though it's starting to get sunnier here and we've just had rain for the past two months so it's definitely brightening up <3

    Cute to the Fashion

  27. You made very pretty pictures!!!
    I'm one Of those that need pampering-encouragement.

  28. This post is great!

    I think I'm definitely due a pamper night some time soon. You're so gorgeous!

  29. This post is super cute. You look good always =) xoxo

  30. This post is so unique and beautiful it puts a smile on my face! You are so lovely Kailey, thanks for all the tips and I totally agree that pampering feeds the soul and brightens the mood <3

    Chamomile Dealer

  31. I did a lot of these things today to combat the blues, and they helped! :)

  32. totally agree! pampering yourself is very important (and fun)... this post is absolutely gorgeous, love all the colours used! I am also v jealous of your Tom Ford lipstick :(

    I was just wondering how you get such amazing photos? Do you use a tripod or does someone take them for you?

    Love your blog so much!

  33. painting my nails always makes me happy, ar i love your blog- your photos are always awesome! xx

  34. Love love love this post! Self-care days are so important <3

  35. Love this post, everything about it is adorable^^ You look lovely! My perfumes last for years too... I tend to ignore the supposed sell-by date.


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