Books I Read in 2020

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

As the pandemic wears on, I find myself reaching more to books for a much needed break. I read books set in the roaring 20s with glittering Bright Young Things, ornate Rococo palaces housing French royalty, writings on the houses of Dior and Givenchy, and found comfort in the familiar surroundings of childhood favorites, the history of beauty, and more!

Here are some highlights from the 40+ books I read this past year.

Favorite Beauty Products of 2020

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Finally got a chance to wrap my very overdue end-of-year makeup 2020 highlights hehe. I didn't have time to try very many new products throughout the difficult year, but I still found a few gems! ♡

Old Hollywood's Beauty Tips: the 50s

Friday, November 20, 2020

Glossy red lips, Max Factor "Pan-Cake" foundation, powder puffs, glistening gold compacts and jeweled lipstick bullets... Old Hollywood practically glittered with glamour. And the starlets that lit up the silver screen became beauty experts in their own right, learning first-hand from film industry professionals - from makeup and hair artists to lighting technicians.

I want to share beauty tips, tricks, and stories from some of the most iconic Old Hollywood leading ladies in the technicolor and sun-soaked 1950s!

Fashion in Film: Literary Heroines

Monday, July 20, 2020

In this edition of my series diving into cinematic costumes, I wanted to spotlight literary heroines that have come to life in film. I picked three characters who made a huge impression on me growing up: Anne Shirley, Elizabeth Bennet, and Jo March. Anne of Green Gables (1985) and Pride & Prejudice (2005) specifically were my introduction to a whole new genre of costumes and film as a child: the period piece.

Almost as inspiring as the headstrong characters wearing them, were their costumes: ribbons, straw hats, delicate ginghams and plaids, high necks and ruffles, muddy skirts, puffed sleeves and pinafores - let's get into it!

Makeup Look: Mint to Be

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Needing a break from thinking about serious things, I wanted to share this makeup look I did a few weeks ago! My inspiration? Wanting to play with some new (to me) products (like the Colourpop Mint to Be Eyeshadow Palette *!), the 60s, and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Beauty Icons: Retro Star Trek

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Where no man has gone before...
Every week from 1967 to 1969, Star Trek: The Original Series had a carousel of actresses modeling the newest, most dazzlingly futuristic looks of 1960s sci-fi dreams. The frosty lipsticks, ornate hair styles, and geometric eyeshadow underscored the daring costumes, rendered in eye catching fabrics with strategically placed cutouts (showing belly button was still forbidden).

The space age clothing and beauty trend, ushered in by fashion icon Pierre Cardin and the Space Race, combined with advances in makeup and wardrobe to create never-before-seen, hyper-pigmented beauty products as well as vinyl and metallic fabrics. All the while, Star Trek was at the forefront of the trends with it’s frosty-lipped, metallic-clad glam icons. Here are some of my favorite beauty looks on Star Trek: TOS, and tips on how to get their trademark looks. Scotty, beam... *ahem* us up! (I'm sorry, I had to...)

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Portrait in Header Illustration by Sibylline Meynet designed by Designs Blue Moon