Interview: Lydia from Style is Style

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm super pleased to present an interview with the wonderful Lydia from Style is Style! Smart, gorgeous, and a thrifting pro - Lydia is truly a constant source of inspiration! Her style incorporates everything I love - from leopard print to polka-dots to stripes and floral, and I love reading her posts about exploring Vancouver! I was lucky enough to ask her about her style, taste in music, and her highlights of 2012 ♡

Describe your style using only three words.
Whimsical, femme, vintage.

Christmas is fast approaching - what's on your wish list?
I don't have much on my list this year, I am mostly looking forward to hanging out with my family. I have been eying many a cat themed accessory on Etsy, and I would love to own the Advanced Style book. I've always got pretty vintage dresses on my mental wishlist too!

I loved reading your post about seeing Santigold live from a while back - who are some of your other favorite musical artists?
There are many! Lately I have been listening to Frank Ocean, Florence and the Machine, Fleet Foxes, Brandi Carlile, First Aid Kit, Lana Del Rey, Kimbra and a sprinkling of miscellaneous Top 40. Some standbys for me are Kanye West, The Beatles, Feist and Lykke Li.

Around this time I always reflect on the year that was and make plans for the next one! What were some highlights from 2012 for you?
I think my biggest highlights of 2012 were being featured in Glamour magazine and finally leaving Starbucks to work at a consignment shop here in Vancouver. I am really enjoying my job, and it was kind of surreal to see myself in a magazine that I've been reading for years.

What is your dream job?
I'm not quite sure what my dream job is exactly, but I think that I'd like to own (or at least run) a shop one day. I'm enjoying doing visual merchandising at my current job, and I think that my love of vintage clothing would lend itself nicely to a clothing and ephemera boutique.

I really love how you always incorporate pieces you have thrifted in your outfit posts! Do you have a favorite find?
Thrifting a large portion of my wardrobe means I have a quite an attachment to each find! One of my favorites is a 1980s floral dress that is fit and flared, which I bought back in Grade 11. I always feel great when I wear it, and I even brought it with me on my first trip to NYC.

Describe the average day in your life.
I usually wake up around 8am, get ready and head to work at Front & Company, an independent consignment and new retail shop. I take outfit photos before I start my shift, so my tripod and I are well acquainted with the area close to where I work. At Front and Company, I work on the shop floor as well as in the consignment department, and I also recently assisted with styling the windows. Once I've finished up for the day, I'm probably hopping on a bus homeward. Some nights I head out to see one of my friends bands, or to a shop opening or event. I typically write my blog posts in the evening, so I mow down on dinner while editing and writing. Then I go to sleep at about midnight, catching some zzzs before another busy day!

Want more Lydia? Visit these links!
Style is Style

Thank you so much again Lydia!



  1. Looove Lydia. Her style is so perfect and she's the cutest! Great pick for an interview. :)

  2. What a great interview; her looks are pretty awesome! I'm off to her blog to say hi right away. :)


  3. Oooh, I love her outfits! Can't wait to have a browse on her blog :) xx

  4. She's pretty amazing! I love the many ways in which she rocks florals. :D Very cool cat, indeed.

    Thanks for this!


    - Anna

  5. She has a great style! Very fresh yet chic! :D

  6. oh! She is so amazing!! I really liked this interview. I always feel like i'm reading a magazine when I read your blog, Kailey :)

  7. She is totally adorable - I love all of her fun prints and color - stuff I'm all about too :D

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails // fox tote giveaway

  8. Thanks for the intro! I am now following Lydia and have sent a link to another friend who will love her blog too.

  9. Thanks for introducing her to me! She definitely has a unique sense of style and I love it!

  10. Lydia is gorgeous! She has a wonderful style. I'm following her now :)

  11. She has impeccable taste in music!


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